101Voice Phone System

While you access this website, please make sure to use the drop down arrows to see all the information regarding the new phone system. As we transition into the new phone system, there's a learning curve on new features provided by 101Voice. Many of these features you have control of by accessing your My101Voice web portal.

Start by ,

  • Setup your voice greetings and access your mailbox, specifically your unavailable, busy and name greeting.

  1. Dial your 10 digit department phone number. Wait till you reach your voice greeting.

  2. Press *

  3. You will be prompted to enter your extension (3 digit example 040) and press #

  4. You will prompted to enter your mailbox PIN. Your pin has been set to the last 4 digit's of your SSN. and then press #

Note: If you already changed it , use the pin you specified. If you do not recall what it is, please contact the IT division at 040.